Saturday, 27th Oct 2012   3 to 7 pm
The Startup Centre

Third Edition Speakers

Inviting suggestions for Facebook developers as speakers for Third edition of Facebook Developer Garage, Chennai . Please suggest names.

Speakers of second edition of Facebook Developer Garage, Chennai

David Recordon

Topic: Open source at Facebook

David Recordon David Recordon enjoy creating and writing about technology that makes the web more open and useful for everyone. He live in San Francisco where he work for Facebook, leading open source and open standards initiatives. Over the past few years, David Recordon helped to create OpenID and OAuth, now volunteer on the boards of the OpenID Foundation and Open Web Foundation, and involved in the Activity Streams, Portable Contacts, PubSubHubbub and WebFinger communities. He is also an advisor to the startup Superfeedr, which is creating infrastructure technology for the realtime web. In 2007, he was recognized by Google and O'Reilly with an Open Source Award for his efforts with OpenID and he is the youngest recipient in the history of the award.

Jonathan Gray

Topic: Facebook & Big Data

Jonathan Gray Jonathan Gray is a software engineer and open source advocate at Facebook. Jonathan has been an HBase committer for several years, getting his start with HBase at his previous startup Streamy which ran solely on a Hadoop/HBase data stack. At Facebook, Jonathan works with different engineering teams on using, contributing, and releasing open source software related to big data and infrastructure, working with technologies like Hadoop, HBase, Hive, Scribe, and Thrift.

Kevin D'Souza

Topic: Facebook Social Plug-ins

Jonathan GrayA post graduate from IIM Kolkatta, Kevin Joined Microsoft in 2003 as Community Specialist (Intern), later became University Relations & Academic Advisor and then Technology Evangelist, Advisor - Web Platform & New Media Strategy at Microsoft. At present taking the tole of Country Growth Manager with Facebook. His likes include new ventures and business deals.

Florent Ferere 

Topic: How Facebook Is Changing The Way We Interact With Brands

Florent Ferere Florent Ferere is a French Project Manager for KRDS Software Development Private Limited; a development company in social media and a leader in France in Facebook Marketing. Mr.Florent is charge of developping new marketing campaigns for european companies for KRDS.

Presentation: How Facebook Is Changing The Way We Interact With Brands

Syed Nazir Razik 

Topic: How Public Sector can Leverage the Power of Facebook - Chennai City Traffic Police

Syed NazirSayed is a Project Management Professional and Certified Scrum Master since 2007. He has worked with Companies like Aptech Hardcore, Orchid Systems, Kondagan, Fortuna Tech Malaysia in top management.Now associated in Executive management of Mecosoft Systems Pvt Ltd India, Syed is a member of so many forums like BarCamp Chennai, Proto Talk and Chief Organizer PROTO, WIKICAMP,SearchCamp2007 and also Co Founder and Secretary, The Knowledge Foundation, Chennai.

Parameshwar Babu

Topic: Facebook: From Entrepreneur and Technologist point of view.

Parameshwar BabuWith over 14 years of experience as a software developer cum entrepreneur and coupled with an experience of how selling my own software products to over 50,000 customers around the globe, he would talk about what facebook can do both from Entrepreneurs/businessmen’s point of view as well as from the technologists’ point of view. During the last 3 years, he(and his team of juniors) have been busy providing web and ecommerce/m-commerce solutions to more than 250 clients around the world.

Presentation: Facebook: From Entrepreneur and Technologist point of view.


Topic: How To Create A Facebook Application

Vasanth A Senior Technical Project Manager by designation, Vasanth heads the Social Media & Mobile practice at QuScient Technologies (a Software firm based out of TIDEL Park, Chennai). Vasanth has 11 years of experience in Software development and have worked with Perot Systems, L&T Infotech, Photon Infotech in the past. Vasanth has long been associated with The Knowledge Foundation, a non-profit organization that’s instituted to share and spread knowledge on technical arena. Along with Kiruba, Vasanth has been instrumental in the first edition of Facebook Garage, Chennai. And have also organized quite a few other events like TwitterCamp, SearchCamp, etc.

Presentation: How To Create A Facebook Application